1.   A strong anomaly near Broadclyst is probably caused by the northern edge of a concealed southward-dipping lava sheet.

2.   Senescence of clones is probably caused by the accumulation of deleterious mutations.

3.   The resulting competition probably causes the animals to occupy small but adequate territories which are vigorously defended by a monogamous pair.

4.   These had probably been caused as Trixie tried to pull away from the heater.

5.   To support such action, officials would have to show that the publications caused or would probably cause substantial and material disruption.

6.   The construction will probably cause some increase in traffic delays.

7.   Any number of vehicles trying to pick up the finishers will have great difficulty parking and will probably cause a major obstruction.

8.   On the low phosphate diets this inhibition is probably caused by precipitation of fatty acids by high concentrations of soluble calcium in the proximal small intestine.

9.   This lower rate was probably caused by incomplete documentation of pseudomelanosis coli in those with carcinoma.

d. + cause >>共 309
also 26.28%
apparently 4.76%
probably 4.12%
often 3.12%
usually 2.94%
already 2.94%
likely 2.41%
still 2.18%
even 1.80%
actually 1.74%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
cause 0.70%
每页显示:    共 201